Between legality and illegality, coca survives in Colombia. But right there, in the midst of programs that promote its eradication and a lack of knowledge of the associated traditional uses, the production of products based on the coca leaf has grown: a point of contact between coca-growing populations and a growing mass of consumers abroad. of rural regions.

Guided by the spirits, the entrepreneurs of the coca leaf promote a model of commercialization, in parallel to the conventional jurisdiction, of food and cosmetics, which involves a struggle to claim the good name of "the plant that gives life"; economic, political and spiritual sustenance of indigenous, peasant and Afro populations.

Through a visual and textual journey through the planting, production and commercialization of the coca leaf that is transformed by the Coca de Vida, Coca Nasa and Nuestra Hoja de Coca enterprises, we get closer to the worldviews of the Nasa and Kogui peoples around of the plant.
