Everyday scene of a morning in Santa Cruz del Islote before the arrival of the tourists on January 24, 2024.

Santa Cruz del Islote on October 13, 2018. One of the 10 islands that make up the San Bernardo archipelago and the only artificial one. With 700 people on one hectare, it is considered the most densely populated island in the world

Orladys in the kitchen of her house after washing the dishes for her lunch. She lived in Juan de Acosta, in the Colombian Caribbean, one of the towns in the world with the largest number of patients with Huntington's disease.

José, 47 years old, is put into his bed by his mother. Nora, as her mother's name is, has been in charge of caring for two generations of patients, first she was her husband, and today she cares for 2 of her 3 children. His house is located in Piojó (Colombia).

A group of children from the Wayuu ethnic group play soccer in the Jotomana community under some of the turbines of the Guajira 1 Wind Park located on the outskirts of Cabo de la Vela, in the municipality of Uribia in the north of the country and inaugurated on January 22, 2022.
Wendy lives together with her brothers and cousins in the Barrio Rebolo of the city of Barranquilla where at least half of its population is dedicated to recycling. After the collection days that his family members carry out and after fulfilling all his academic obligations, he goes to the door of his house to help with the separation of materials without any protection measures. However, local governments strive to promote the use of masks and biosecurity items among waste pickers.

Group of “Mapale” dancers practicing before the “Carlos Franco” parade in the south of Barranquilla, during carnivals.

Ernesto Sotelo is 40 years old, he is hiding some tears while telling the story of how his brother decided to join the FARC-EP, he and his mother Iris Sotelo hope that with the end of the conflict and the demobilization of the guerrillas they can seeagain their brother Luis.

Everyday scene of a morning in Santa Cruz del Islote before the arrival of the tourists on January 24, 2024.
Santa Cruz del Islote on October 13, 2018. One of the 10 islands that make up the San Bernardo archipelago and the only artificial one. With 700 people on one hectare, it is considered the most densely populated island in the world
Orladys in the kitchen of her house after washing the dishes for her lunch. She lived in Juan de Acosta, in the Colombian Caribbean, one of the towns in the world with the largest number of patients with Huntington's disease.
José, 47 years old, is put into his bed by his mother. Nora, as her mother's name is, has been in charge of caring for two generations of patients, first she was her husband, and today she cares for 2 of her 3 children. His house is located in Piojó (Colombia).
A group of children from the Wayuu ethnic group play soccer in the Jotomana community under some of the turbines of the Guajira 1 Wind Park located on the outskirts of Cabo de la Vela, in the municipality of Uribia in the north of the country and inaugurated on January 22, 2022.
Wendy lives together with her brothers and cousins in the Barrio Rebolo of the city of Barranquilla where at least half of its population is dedicated to recycling. After the collection days that his family members carry out and after fulfilling all his academic obligations, he goes to the door of his house to help with the separation of materials without any protection measures. However, local governments strive to promote the use of masks and biosecurity items among waste pickers.
Group of “Mapale” dancers practicing before the “Carlos Franco” parade in the south of Barranquilla, during carnivals.
Ernesto Sotelo is 40 years old, he is hiding some tears while telling the story of how his brother decided to join the FARC-EP, he and his mother Iris Sotelo hope that with the end of the conflict and the demobilization of the guerrillas they can seeagain their brother Luis.